Saturday, November 30, 2013

Several years ago I was reading literature about setting the stage for a lesson and the importance of making sure students know their learning trajectory for each day and lesson.  I blew this idea off as unimportant to the overall scheme of what my students learned over the course of a year.  I felt like there were so many things to dwell on during class that a "Learning Target" was just not a significant instructional tool that I would...
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Sunday, September 15, 2013

How To Straw or Pencil Dispenser with Free PDF Fillable Download Whew!  The first two weeks of school are finished and it seems I now have time to start blogging on a regular basis and posting some free and pay for products.  I'll be spending most of my time this year with 7th and 8th grade, so products to come for Pre Algebra/Algebra students. I did want to post something nice that I have finished as a result of seeing a picture...
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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Shifting to the Common Core in Mathematics

 I had posted earlier about some trepidation on the part of teachers regarding the performance tasks as released by the Common Core.  Many teachers are finding as they hear and learn more about the requirements of the common core that it will be a process to adapt.  However, I think there are a few simple concepts that are important to understand that may ease the anxiety of the common core mathematics Standards.  The COMMON CORE is NOT based on minimum proficiency, but on COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS.      ...
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Sunday, March 10, 2013

In an effort to save time and still create a product that looks professional, I have created a pdf that can be filled and saved.  Simply type in the decimal that you would like your class to work on and the form fills this number in for you where it reappears in the worksheet. A second page is also included as an answer key.  If you're unsure of what a fill and save pdf is, please view the below youtube video for a preview. Currently the product is free both at my TPT STORE as well as my TEACHERS NOTEBOOK STO...
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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fill and Save a CCSS Common Core Checklist!!

Fillable Common Core Checklists now available I had several requests for a version of the checklists that could be saved, so I have two of the Checklists (Kindergarten and First Grade) available now in a fillable format.  Just make sure you open the document in Adobe Reader and save the file as you go.  If you are unsure of what a fillable pdf is, I've created a video that gives an overview of what you can expect. I'm hoping that this is not only more convenient and professional, but also a BIG timesaver : ) See my TPT Store...
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